Sunday mornings at 10.30 a.m. are the focal point of our week - that's when the majority of our Church family get together.
Jesus is the main reason why we gather so He is central to our time together. The main elements of our meeting are worship, prayer, preaching, communion (once a month) and fellowship.
When we worship God through song we remind ourselves who we are (loved, chosen, special, sinful), who God is (loving, faithful, powerful, active), and what He has done for us (the cross, salvation, a future hope, adoption into His family).
We place great value on the teaching - this usually lasts for 30 minutes. We always keep the Bible at the centre of our Church life, so most of the 'talks' will focus on a particular passage or topic from the Bible. We try to make sure the teaching is relevant to every day life and our walk with God.